St. Thomas Knanaya Church

Dennis John Malloosseril
Memorial Educattion Fund


Dennis, who lived from Nov 25, 1982- Nov 23, 2008, was the son of Johnnykutty (Abraham M. John Malloosseril) and Aleykutty of Hawthorne, NJ and brother of Lois John. He was a very beloved family member, committee member, and webmaster for our church and he was a very loving and caring person who always reached out to others and served both his family and church in many ways. As a member, he was always doing services for our church in helping with administative tasks, sending out news updates, and always looking to help or do what he can in all situations. He wasn't a stranger to anyone, and he had much empathy and concern for others.

On November 23, 2008, Dennis was called to heaven. Dennis was fatally wounded while trying to save a fellow parishoner from danger. Dennis showed extreme heroism in aiding a stranger in situation that most people would run away from. Although he is no longer with us physically, Dennis lives on in the hearts and souls of every member of our church, who will never forget his courage and his dedication to our church.

In memory of Dennis and his legacy of helping others, his parents have created a fund in Dennis' name to benefit other youth. On Decemember 28, 2008, at the our church General Body meeting, the congregation voted uanimously with the support of Dennis' parents to merge the memorial fund in to our church's existing Education Fund and to rename the Education Fund to the Dennis John Memorial Education Fund of the St. Thomas Knanaya Church of New Jersey. The fund will award scholarships to deserving individuals who are financially unable to pay for school. In addition, the fund will also award a scholarship to one graduating high senior from within our church annually. The award will be presented to a senior who, as measured by the selection panel, not only shows a strong academic performance, but also best exemplifies Dennis' spirit of service to the church and community.

If you would to apply for the Scholarship, click the button below to download the application forms:

Application Form




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